

The city of Berlin with its population of 3,5 million is a buzzing centre of cultural, political and scientific activity. Berlin is a vital European hub and one of the most-visited European capitals. The city offers magnificent architecture, world-famous museums and orchestras as well as universities and research facilities of international fame. Artists, diplomats and immigrants from all over the globe have made Berlin their home. 

Berlin Museumsinsel Berlin von oben

Links about Berlin:

Tango Argentino:

Are you looking for a new hobby? Tango Argentino enjoys growing popularity all over the world. In terms of passion for Argentine Tango Berlin is second only to Buenos Aires. Tango festivals organized in Berlin attract scores of international dancers and performers. We offer packages of German language and Tango Argentino courses in collaboration with renowned Tango schools.

Our partner studio for Tango Argentino: